The 4 Universal Rules of Firearm Safety

Firearm safety is one of those things that must stick with you at all times. It’s a responsibility of yours that if not taken seriously at all times, can cause catastrophic results. There are four universal rules that no matter where you go, no matter who you ask, they will always apply to every firearm in every scenario.

  1. Treat all guns as if they are always loaded.

    Always assume that all guns you come in contact with are loaded. Never assume that someone has handed you an unloaded gun. Do your due diligence to visually check to make sure that the firearm you are handling is unloaded.

  2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.

    The muzzle is the front of the firearm where the bullet exits. The bullet that comes out of the firearm will destroy mostly anything that it comes in contact with, especially a human. It is your responsibility to keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times. Be sure to pay special attention when at the range. While shooting, keep your firearm pointed down the range towards your target and while transporting, keep your firearm pointed either up or down if not in a bag or case.

  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.

    Firearms normally don’t shoot by themselves. Accidental discharges are usually due to negligent trigger discipline. Even while preparing to shoot, your finger should stay off the trigger (and out of the trigger guard) completely until you are 100% certain you are ready to shoot at what your firearm is aiming at.

  4. Be sure of your target and what lies beyond it.

    Absolutely be certain of your target, first of all. And with the same confidence, be certain of everything that lies beyond your target that your bullet can hit if you miss your target or if the bullet overpenetrates your target. You are 100% responsible for every bullet that exits your gun and whatever or whomever it destroys.

This is not a comprehensive list of all the rules of firearm safety. There are always additional rules to follow and certain safety precautions that need to take place with certain guns and shooting activities.


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